Profit from Market Ups and Downs
OneFinancialMarket enables you to benefit from CFD and forex markets that are rising, as well as those that are falling.
Long vs. Short
If you wish to buy a EUR/USD, for instance, then your account will grow in value as EUR/USD’s price increases. If EUR/USD price decreases, then your account loses value accordingly. Apart from a standard trade (purchase), platform allows you to open a position that will increase in value as the  FX decreases in price. This is referred to as selling or going short, as opposed to buying or going long
Profit from market growth
Profit from market decline
Calculating Profits
To calculate the profit or loss earned from a long/short trade, you multiply the size of your position by the difference in points between the price when you opened it and when you closed it. With both long and short trades, profits and losses will be realized once the position is closed.
You can also use leverage to get exposure to a much larger position than with a standard trade (for both long and short), if you are confident about the direction of the market.
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FX Exchange trading
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